Airtel 4G: One for the Digital Nomads


There was a time when I struggled to do my work as a freelancer simply because of my data plan. No matter what they claimed, it was always difficult to manage my work with existing alternatives. I was constantly on the move, relying only on my phone for a connection with the outer world. I had to attend Skype meets with my clients, exchange large folders on Dropbox and maintain many digital publications. This is why I found it very difficult to manage it with sub par speeds that also used to get disconnected very often.

That is why I am looking forward to the new Airtel 4G. I think it will be useful for video conferencing, arranging and attending webinars and heavy data exchange. I have in fact missed out on some of these opportunities in the past due to my poor bandwidth. I remember when the Skype call broke down and I lost a client. As a digital nomad or a so called solopreneur, it means to me a lot.

In fact it has been a long cherished dream for me to be a complete digital nomad. This is because wanted to travel more but I never earned or saved enough to leave everything and go backpacking. That is why I had to work even as I traveled. I already do it but only partially. The main problem I face is due to irregular network strength and poor bandwidth. Even when I have 3G connections, in a lot of places I end up with sub par speed, especially when I am out of the metropolises. This is exactly where a new solution was required and I hope this is the change that I was hoping to see.

Basically with the improved bandwidth of 4G I aspire to achieve the following,
Firstly, with better speed real time communication would not be a problem. I can have a Skype chat from my Hotel room in some remote provincial town, without the fear of getting disconnected, or even worse, not even being able to connect.

Part of my work involves photography and videography. I need to send them to my clients on a regular basis but with low speed it is hard to exchange such heavy files. With better speed I can share my work in real time as I go, thus leading to quicker deals and transactions and I do not have to wait for the trip to end to submit my work.

Finally maintaining my online presence is also important for my line of work. Bandwidth issues always make it a nightmare to handle blogs and social networks when I am on the go. I hope 4G will sort out this issue for me.

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